I got this week, and I also mention blog news/happenings of the past week.
This week at Xpresso Reads:
Holy crap we're almost July already!! And the first day of summer has come and gone so now days are getting shorter again. Boourns. So yeah, this week... well I had the Cicada blog tour drop by for a fun interview and there's a couple giveaways in there. I also posted a new giveaway for my Canadian lovelies, you can win a copy of The Night Circus. International folks, my Summer Lovin giveaway is right here! Oh and a new tour has been scheduled for The Treachery of Beautiful Things which sounds fantastic! So make sure to drop by - tour dates on sidebar.
Now cover reveals. Wowzers. I have a whole slew of em that I shared throughout the week. So here goes: Cover Reveal x 4 was posted directly on the blog as well as the new paperback cover for The Weeping. Then up on Facebook I shared Everbound by Brodi Ashton, Blood-Kissed Sky by J.A. London, Boundless by Cynthia Hand, and Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi.
Did you miss any reviews this week?
- Dark Companion by Marta Acosta
- Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha van Leer
- I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You, by Ally Carter
Well, I can now say I'm a regular vlogger. Who knew? I still feel pretty awkward on camera talking to a machine, so just don't mind me :) I'll also keep posting my pics as usual for those who can't/don't want to watch.Stacking the Shelves
Click on title links below for Goodreads
I got for review:

*Thanks so much to Harlequin Teen, Thomas Allen & Son, Hachette Book Group Canada and HarperCollins for the review copies*
I bought:

That's all, folks!
What did you get this week?
Link me up! :)